Friday, December 12, 2008

13 days til Christmas

 Today wasn't bad. I needed to finish up some shopping and actually convinced my son to go to the mall with me. I had to go to Sephora to get a makeup set my daughter wants and was immediately accosted by a saleswoman. I hate shopping when you feel pressured and followed. I like to look at things, test the samples and see what tickles my fancy and I really don't need to feel pressured to here how wonderful a particular product is. I wish that I had the guts to just say, "Hey, I appreciate your interest in helping me, but I am doing well on my own." Sounds good, but I always feel like I will hurt their feelings. I guess I am just too soft.

 Long story short, Sephora didn't have the makeup in stock and I ended up with a much smaller set that I wasn't pleased about. The saleswoman told me that the set I want is sold out everywhere including the website. I naively believed that and then get home to see that TA DA, there it was available online. Now I have to brave the pushy saleswoman again to return the unwanted set. I really hate shopping.

 I really need to get a good camera. Relying on my cell phone to grab a great shot isn't working so well. Tonight there was the most beautiful full moon that I would love to have on the blog, but alas, no camera. Maybe it's not too late to add to my Christmas list.

 Tomorrow is tree picking day. There is a wonderful place called Valley View Farm that has the greatest selection of ornaments and decorations that I have ever seen. Tomorrow the family Talbert will make the drive and we each get to pick our favorite ornament. And get fresh kettle corn. My mouth is watering already. 

 Is it tomorrow yet???

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